Deboer Fellowship Application Open Now

Deadline -  August 1, 2017

Each fall, the DeBoer Fellowship carefully selects a group of mid-career Myanmar citizen leaders for an intensive year of personal and professional development.
Our model is straightforward:
  • Three five-day Fellow Events in retreat settings
  • Interactive instruction and mentoring by Myanmar and global experts
  • Accomplished, collaborative, and fun peers
  • Exercises and projects throughout the year
  • Fully funded scholarship for all expenses related to the program
The DeBoer Fellowship teaches best practices that leaders need in their workplaces.   Through intensive personal growth and reflection, Fellows grow in skill and confidence—not just for themselves but for the good of others. The end result will be Fellows better helping their organizations to meet Myanmar’s needs, during these historic and challenging years.

Selection Process

Applying to be a DeBoer Fellow is a competitive process, and applicants have a wide variety of vocations, titles and educational backgrounds.  The application process- including reading applications, interviewing, and making final decisions — is handled by a Selection Committee composed of Myanmar and international civil society and business leaders, including several DeBoer Fellowship alumni.  Applicants who are not selected may choose to apply again in future years.

Selection Criteria

Applicants should:
  • Possess a strong desire to contribute their skills and experiences for the further development of Myanmar.
  • Demonstrate a history of service to others and a very strong work ethic.
  • Have a commitment to apply what they learn with those around them in their businesses, organizations and communities.
  • Desire to collaborate with individuals who have diverse backgrounds and experiences.
  • Understand and be able to sign the DeBoer Fellowship Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

The DeBoer Fellowship requires all Fellows to sign a Code of Conduct, affirming the Fellowship’s core values:
  1. Integrity – We want to be known for honesty, justice and fairness.
  2. Service to Myanmar – We always seek to advance the progress of Myanmar and her people.
  3. Service to others –We are dedicated to helping others, particularly people without resources or access.
  4. Diversity and equality- We respect the dignity and value of people of different genders, ethnic groups, education levels, classes and income levels, ages, and religions.
  5. Excellence–  We strive for excellence in everything we do.
  6. Partnership– We recognize that the DeBoer Fellowship does not claim to create leaders, but to come alongside existing leaders and help them achieve their best potential.
  7. Collaboration – We believe that greater, more lasting impact is possible when people work together, and not alone.
  8. Respect–We know that it will be Myanmar’s people, and not outsiders, who will improve the country’s social, economic, religious, ethnic, and political situation.

Why You Should Apply

“DeBoer Fellows control their destiny. The more tools and training we give them, the more they feel empowered to drive change in Myanmar.” Rehan Khan – DeBoer Fellowship Instructor on Marketing, and Managing Director, Coca-Cola Myanmar.
“The Fellowship understands that the future of this country is in the hands of young Myanmar people.” Yin Myo Su – 2014 DeBoer Fellow, and Managing Director of Inle Princess Resort in Naung Shwe.
“Thanks for bringing us together and making us envision beyond our ethnicities, religions, and colours. We need more like this kind of atmosphere in our country.” Joseph Thu Khaung – 2014 DeBoer Fellow and School Administrator at the SAG English Language Institute
“I now stand as a better leader. I focus on being principle-centered. I support my team members more effectively through good communication and conflict transformation.”
Htoo Eh – 2015 Fellow
“As a result of the Fellowship, I’ve become a better manager. I feel more confident to dig in and place people in the right teams. It’s an amazing difference.” Yin Yin – 2014 Fellow
“I’m still on cloud nine from the recent Myanmar event. What a special life changing journey. I have a hard time explaining it to my staff and students because it is more strategic and profound than anything else I have done in the last 25 years.” Dr. Brian Polkinghorn – 2014 DeBoer Fellowship Instructor and Executive Director, Center for Conflict Resolution, Salisbury University, Salisbury, Maryland, USA
“The best part of the DeBoer Fellowship is the social trust. The trainers/facilitators were able to bring together all participants with different background, ethnicity, skills, knowledge, and experience to form a strong network.” Dr. Aung Thant – Fulbright Fellow at Duke University

Fellow Qualifications

Applicants must be:
  • Myanmar nationals with at least five or more years of experience in a position of responsibility in their civil society organization, business, or social enterprise.
  • 25 years or older and should not be a collegiate student during the Fellowship year.
  • Proficient in speaking, reading and listening in the English language.  If English comprehension is not strong, the Fellow will not get as much benefit from the Fellowship instruction.
  • Willing to demonstrate significant life experiences and accomplishments.  University degrees are highly valued but will not be required to participate.
  • Passionate about learning and committed to personal growth.
Individuals across Myanmar are encouraged to apply for the 2018 DeBoer Fellowship class when applications become available on June 1, 2017. The deadline for application submission will be August 1, 2017.  The 2018 DeBoer Fellows will be announced by October 7, 2017.

Apply Online

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