WJP Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism 2017

The WJP Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism acknowledges journalists from around the world who have contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the foundational importance of the rule of law. 

Application Deadline: 28th May 2017.
Eligible Countries: All
About the Award: Anthony Lewis (1927 – 2013), a friend and inspiration to the World Justice Project, was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist credited with transforming legal journalism in the United States. Lewis covered the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, and legal affairs for The New York Times in addition to serving as a columnist as well as the paper’s London bureau chief. He is the author of five books, including Gideon’s Trumpet, which describes James Earl Gideon’s landmark U.S. Supreme Court case concerning the right to legal counsel. Lewis’ reporting on the establishment of the Constitutional Court in post-apartheid South Africa helped inspire the creation of the World Justice Project. He was also an active participant at WJP’s first regional meeting in 2007.
Type: Contest
Selection Criteria:
  • The prize will be awarded to a currently working journalist (or a team of journalists working on an in-depth series) who has demonstrated excellence in rule of law reporting.
  • The journalist’s work (as demonstrated through key examples of their writing) will be judged on how effectively they have contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the foundational importance of the rule of law.
  • Nominees can be from any country in the world, but entries must be in English or have been translated into English.
  • Anyone can nominate a journalist, including self-nominations/applications.
Selection Process: Journalists from around the world may be nominated for excellence in rule of law reporting beginning April 13, 2017, and ending at May 28, 2017 (11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time).  After nominations are reviewed and refined by a WJP Anthony Lewis Prize staff committee, consulting widely, an official judging panel will review and select the winning journalist. The winner of the WJP 2017 Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism will be announced in July of 2017.
Value of Award: The winner will receive $10,000 USD.
How to Apply: To nominate a journalist, please send an email with the following information:
  1. Name of journalist
  2. Contact information, if known
  3. Key examples of work, including recent work (send working links or attach PDF). Please include English translations if the writing is not originally in English.
  4. Reason you believe this journalist’s writing has demonstrated excellence in rule of law reporting and has directly contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the foundational importance of the rule of law.
  5. Your name
  6. Your email address
Email nominations or questions to: wjp@worldjusticeproject.org. Please include “Anthony Lewis Prize” in the subject line. 

Award  Provider: World Justice Project


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