Deadline - 2nd June 2017

The FIEBRE project, led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, is looking for a motivated, independent and analytical social scientist to lead the social science component of the research in Myanmar. The post holder will be experienced in social research in health and will be keen to pursue a research career. The post provides opportunities for travel, mentorship and training to a PhD level.

The FIEBRE Project

The FIEBRE study is a 4-year multi-country project to research Febrile Illness Etiology in a Broad Range of Endemicities. The overall goal of the project is to inform the development of guidelines for more specific management of febrile illnesses, thereby reducing overuse of medicines and drug pressure on potentially resistant pathogens. Studies will take place in five countries: Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Myanmar and Laos. Each study will identify the causes of fever, and the antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial pathogens causing fever, in low resource settings where few data are available; and to understand what constitutes appropriate fever case management and antimicrobial use from the perspectives of different stakeholders in these settings. The success of the project will depend on a strong and multi-disciplinary team including laboratory sciences, clinical epidemiology, social science, data management and communications as well as strong relationships with key stakeholders locally and globally.

The FIEBRE Social Science Study

Three of the five country studies will include qualitative research alongside the clinical and laboratory studies. This social science work will ask 'What constitutes Good Antimicrobial Use?' amongst patients, the public, health workers, public health practitioners, policy makers and scientists. The fieldwork is expected to last 18-24 months and will consist primarily of ethnography, including observations, interviews and documentary reviews. The social science team locally will consist of the Social Science Study Lead, and a small field team. They will be expected to integrate with the clinical and laboratory science teams of the FIEBRE study locally. The social science team in Myanmar will also work closely with sister social science teams in Malawi and Zimbabwe and will be well connected with the project as a whole across study sites. The study teams will be supported by social scientists based at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. The role will include international travel including to London.

The Post of Social Science Lead

The role is for 36 months (3 years), to start in June 2017, with the possibility for extension to 42 months. The primary role of the candidate is to undertake the research work to a high standard, reaching established milestones in the course of the research process through to successful publication and dissemination of research findings. There is also strong support and resources for the successful candidate to register at the LSHTM for an MPhil or PhD in the Department of Global Health and Development. This will be subject to the candidate achieving entry standards for the LSHTM PhD programme.

Key responsibilities

1.       Develop and deliver high quality social science research within the project remit.
2.       Work in close liaison with social scientists at LSHTM throughout the research process.
3.       Work in close liaison with the clinical and laboratory science teams of the FIEBRE study in Myanmar.
4.       Collaborate with sister social science teams in Malawi and Zimbabwe throughout the project.
5.       Assist with recruiting and managing a small social science research team in Myanmar.
6.       Carry out appropriate pre-fieldwork activities including sensitisation, liaison with ethical review boards, and assist with training of other members of the social science research team.
7.       Carry out fieldwork to a high standard.
8.       Carry out analysis of findings and drafting of reports and manuscripts for publication in peer reviewed journals.
9.       Contribute to the academic life of local universities and/or research institutions.
10.   Undertake other duties as may be required that are consistent with the nature and grade of the post.

Person specification
The successful candidate will be a Myanmar national and will have the following expertise and experience:


1.       Undergraduate and Masters level degrees, one of which should be in anthropology, sociology or another social science. Masters in Public Health or related degree may be acceptable with relevant modules taken in social science and qualitative research
2.       An interest in medical anthropology, anthropology of science/science and technology studies or development studies
3.       Experience of carrying out research or working in health or other relevant settings (at least 1 projects)
4.       Experience undertaking ethnographic research
5.       Experience of interviewing a range of actors (at least 1 projects)
6.       Experience carrying out analysis of qualitative data (at least 1 projects)
7.       Excellent English language skills (IELTS or equivalent grade required)
8.       Experience working with international collaborators and/or on multi-disciplinary teams (please list name, institution and contact details)
9.       Experience in team leadership (at least 1 projects)
10.   Successful publication record in peer reviewed journals, public reports and/or media articles (at least 1 publication).


1.       Experience working in infectious diseases research.
2.       Experience researching or working on medicines use.
3.       Experience writing and maintaining Standard Operating Procedures for qualitative research activities including fieldwork and data security.
4.       Experience using qualitative data analysis software such as NVivo.
5.       Experience with recruiting social science staff
6.       Experience with ethical approval for research locally

Application process

Candidates should demonstrate suitability for the role by completing the application form below. Please bear in mind that as the post holder may register for a PhD at LSHTM, they should be eligible according to the LSHTM’s PhD entry requirements: Note that registration for a PhD is a separate process and success in securing the post does not guarantee entry to the LSHTM PhD programme.

The deadline for this Application Form is 2nd June 2017.
Please send your completed application form to  There is no need to attach a cover letter or CV.


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