SwissRe International ReSource Award in Water Management 2018 for Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 22nd March 2017
Eligible Countries: Developing Countries
About the Award: The Award recognises new approaches for resolving existing issues related to sustainable water management. The prize builds on more than ten years of experience in bestowing the recognised ReSource Award for sustainable watershed management. Every year, an international jury awards USD 150 000 to new social entrepreneurial initiatives driving sustainable water management practices. The award is one concrete initiative of how the Swiss Re Foundation contributes to the advancement of water resilience in low, lower-middle and upper–middle-income countries.
The ReSource Award acknowledges social entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at prototyping or scaling up new approaches for resolving existing social and/or ecological issues related to sustainable water management practices. Examples include access to, use and supply of water, sanitation and hygiene in low, lower-middle and upper–middle-income countries as classified by the World Bank.
Type: Entrepreneurship, Contest
Eligibility: Applicants with the skills, resources and commitment to launch and manage a social entrepreneurial initiative related to sustainable water management practices are invited to apply for the ReSource Award. Currently, only proposals are being considered that are designed to be implemented in low, lower-middle and upper-middle-income countries as classified by the World Bank in terms of per-capita GDP. Originators (for example, a team or organisation) may not submit more than one proposal a year. The ReSource Award intends to partner up directly with social purpose organisations with existing or planned revenue generating activities. Accordingly, intermediary institutions that support social entrepreneurs are not supported under the Award.
Proposal Eligibility: The short and full proposals submitted will be assessed with regard to the following areas:
  • Social and ecological challenge: The proposal demonstrates a profound and authentic understanding of the social and ecological problem to be addressed.
  • Impact: The expected social, ecological and economic impact is clearly defined and in line with the scope of the ReSource Award.
  • Approach: The proposal outlines a compelling social entrepreneurial approach to address the defined challenge. The defined goal and expected impact can realistically be achieved with the approach presented.
  • Financials: There is a financially viable business plan in place based on clear and logical assumptions.
  • Competencies: A qualified team with appropriate skills and track record is in place.
  • Risk management: All relevant risk drivers and related prevention and risk mitigation measures are defined.
Number of Awardees: three finalists (USD 20 000 + coaching each)and a winner will be selected.
Value of Scholarship: The prize combines financial and non-financial contributions (coaching/expert advice). Half of the total contribution equivalent to USD 150 000 will be allocated to three finalists (USD 20 000 + coaching each) from whom the winner will be selected. The award winning organization will be supported (USD 75 000 + coaching) during the following three years in further developing, prototyping or scaling up its social entrepreneurial initiative.
How to Apply: Applicants are asked to provide information on their social entrepreneurial initiative by completing the online questionnaire on our website. The application process is divided into four steps. Details on each step and on the criteria applied are available here. Offline applications are accepted in exceptional cases only upon prior inquiry with the Secretary of ReSource Award.
Award Provider: SwissRe
Important Notes: The winner of the ReSource Award 2017 will be announced on 3 March 2017. Listed below are the date for the ReSource Award 2018.


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