DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.) for Research in Germany 2017

Application Deadline: 15th May 2017.
Funding begins on 1st January 2018.
Eligible Countries: All
To be taken at (country): Germany
About the Award: With co-funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) gives young postdocs the chance to spend a period of time researching abroad, in combination with a research phase in Germany. What is special about this programme is that is provides jobs, not scholarships. Applications are invited from postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities and subjects.
Offered Since: 2014
Type: Research
Eligibility: Requirements for applicants include the following:
  • PhD completed before the start of funding
  • free choice of country for the research phase abroad, providing that the candidate did not spend a total of more than twelve months there in the previous three years
  • agreement of host institutions in Germany and abroad
  • confirmation from the German host that it is willing to employ the postdoctoral researcher for the entire funding period if funding is approved
Number of Awardees: Not specified
Value of Program: 
  • basic salary and international allowance, plus travel allowance for the researcher, spouse/partner and children
  • invitation to attend an orientation seminar before programme begins
Duration of Research: 18 months
  • twelve months spent abroad
  • six months spent in Germany
How to Apply: The application form is available at the application portal. To get to the portal please click on Stipendiendatenbank für Deutsche, fill in Fachrichtung (subject of your research), Zielland (country of the period abroad) and Status “Promovierte” (position), and select the programme.
Please mind the instructions on registering on the portal, choose English as portal language, activate, if necessary, the compatibility view of your browser and choose English as browser language.
After registration in the portal, please click on the tab “personal funding“.
Award Provider:  Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


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