Young Sustainable Impact 2017

Deadline           : 5, March,2017
Location            : Online, Oslo, Norway
Duration            : April to August( Online), August 14 ( Oslo, Norway)
Type                  : fully funded
YSI is an organization empowering youth to solve the sustainability challenges of the 21st century. After witnessing the Paris conference unfold, a group of Norwegian youngsters felt inspired to create their own conference. YSI 2017 will bring together the greatest young entrepreneurs from all over the world to create, prototype and implement real solutions to the 17 UN sustainable development goals.If you get chosen after the three application rounds you will commit to an innovation program from April until August. In a group of 5, you will choose which development goals you will like to help solve by creating a startup.
Eligibility Requirements
We are looking for people between 16-25 years who want to create something innovative from scratch.
Our expectations
1. You commit to our program from April – August (5-15 hours a week).
2. You are ready for being in Oslo from August 14th to 25th (free stay).
3. You commit to following up the project after the workshop and conference
You will get:
1. Free stay, food, and plane tickets to Oslo, Norway.
2. An innovation program in world class.
3. Mentorship, expertise and guidance.
4. Gain a network of brilliant people from all over the world.
5. A major opportunity to create a startup that will succeed.
6. Meet top investors, corporations, entrepreneurs and business people.
7. Learn leadership, self-development, team-building, innovation, creativity, about the sustainable development goals, entrepreneurship, yourself and much more.
For more information, Click Here.


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