Scuola Normale Superiore PhD Scholarships in Italy

Funding: Full
Deadline: 20 February 2017, 23:59 CET
Location: Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
General Description:
Call for 78 places in PhD courses at the Scuola Normale Superiore for the academic year 2017-2018. The Scuola Normale Superiore offers fully-funded PhD programs to both Italian citizens and students from outside Italy.
PhD Program in the following fields: Cultures and societies of contemporary Europe, Literature, Art and History in Medieval and Modern Europe, Philosophy, Classics, Physics, Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Methods and Models for Molecular Sciences, Nanosciences, Neurosciences, and Political Science and Sociology.
The scholarship for the PhD course will be paid in twelve deferred equal monthly instalments, subject to the fulfilment of students’ academic duties. For the academic year 2017-2018 the scholarship for the PhD course is equal to 15,012.00 euros including a lodging allowance. Students also have the right to free meals at the facilities of the SNS or at facilities with agreements with the SNS for the duration of the course, excluding the periods of academic holidays.
Applications for admission are invited from candidates who, irrespective of their citizenship, have an Italian laurea magistrale (MA/MS degree) or an equivalent degree from outside Italy, or who expect to have obtained the degree required for admission by 31 October 2017: failure to obtain the degree by this date will disqualify the candidate for admission.
Admission to the call is restricted to candidates who:
  • were born after 31 October 1987;
  • have no past criminal charges against them resulting in a prison term of more than three years;
  • have not been subject to the disciplinary measure of “expulsion” as specified in the didactic regulations of the SNS;
  • are not in possession of a research doctorate issued by an Italian university, and in any case have never benefitted from a scholarship to attend a research doctorate course in Italy.
Candidates must enclose with their application the following documents in PDF format:
  • a valid copy of a document of identity (citizens of countries not belonging to the European Union should preferably enclose a copy of a valid passport, including the pages bearing a photograph, personal details, passport number and place and date of issue);
  • a curriculum vitae et studiorum in the Europass-CV format, available at the following web site:
  • their thesis for the laurea magistrale (MA/MS degree) or overseas equivalent, accompanied by an abstract in the English language; candidates who do not submit their laurea magistrale certificate by the application deadline for admission must present an extended abstract in Italian or English (of not more than around 25,000 characters); the extended abstract is also compulsory when the thesis is printed in a language other than Italian or English;
  • a diploma supplement or equivalent document relating to achievement examinations completed and degree grade obtained; citizens of countries not belonging to the European Union and not resident in Italy must enclose a certificate attesting to possession of the degree, the date it was attained, the university that issued it and the final grade; candidates who have obtained an equivalent degree outside Italy in a country not belonging to the European Union must enclose a certificate of attainment of the degree translated into English if the original is in another language;
  • a copy of any publications;
  • the research project as described in article 1.11 of this call. Candidates must upload a different research proposal for each place they are applying for; candidates applying for the scholarships with a specific research topic, in accordance with article 1.5 of this call, can also add different research proposals for each place.
Application Process:
The online procedure will be activated at the section dedicated to the call on the SNS web site at the address
Applicants are strongly advised to check that they have received notification via email of the registration of their application.
The outcome of the evaluation of qualifications and admission to the interview will be published by 13 March 2017. The interviews will take place at the SNS sites starting on 20 March 2017. Candidates not resident in Italy can sit the interview online, using procedures guaranteeing their identification and the public nature of the interview.
For more information, please visit the webpage. (click here)
You can also request more information by emailing here.


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