World Youth Congress 2017

Date:                  :June 24 – July 1, 2017
Venue:               :Hawai’i
Deadline:          :15 December 2016
Eligibility:         :For people age 18 to 25

Program Theme:
World Youth Congress 2017, 24 June till 1 July 2017 in Hawaii, United States of America, will be a gathering of youth leaders from 150 countries and the main focus is about building sustainable community through several hands on projects in Hawaii. This congress is organize by Peace Child International, an NGO based in UK, which has ECOSOC (Economic and Social) status in United Nation. Therefore, all the progress and voices of these youth leaders, will be forward to United Nation and contribute in the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

From 150 countries that joined, I am focusing on bringing together ASEAN youth leaders to join not just to represent their country, but also representing our region, ASEAN. World Youth Congress 2017 committee had appointed me as the ASEAN Ambassador. My role will be helping delegates from ASEAN in term of providing necessary documents to help them in getting fund for their participation if needed.

For More Information:

The direct registration link is here;

The official website can be reach here;


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