ICTP Visiting Fellowships for Mathematicians from Developing Countries in Italy, 2017

DEADLINE: January 7 2017

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is offering a small number of Mathematics Research Fellowships for mathematicians from developing countries to pursue their own research using the ICTP facilities and interacting with other mathematicians.


  • Fellowships are awarded in the area of Mathematics.
  • Successful candidates will have the possibility to participate in the Mathematics activities of ICTP, the International School of Advanced Studies (ISAS/SISSA) and the University of Trieste, including the opportunity to interact with visiting mathematicians.


  • Visiting Fellowships are open to mathematicians of any age and nationality.
  • Visiting Fellows must have a PhD in mathematics prior to the start of their Fellowship.

Candidates should apply using the ICTP online application system

To apply and for more information visit here


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