AdamStart Entrepreneurship Challenge 2016

Deadline: December 6, 2016

Young entrepreneurs are invited to particulate in the #AdamStart Entrepreneurship Challenge 2016.

The Adam Start Entrepreneurship Challenge is a global competition which supports aspiring entrepreneurs with a start up idea. The programme was launched by Adam Bradford, a Queen’s Young Leader from London and social entrepreneur in his own right.

Youth from around the world are invited to submit their business ideas and get the opportunity to win up to £1,000 plus one year mentoring and PR support for their start-up.
The initiative, launched during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016, aims to foster the spirit of entrepreneurs ‘paying it forward’ and supporting each other to become a success. Adam comments: “I have learned so much from fellow entrepreneurs and know the kind of help and direction I would have liked early on in my business career. I really believe we all, as entrepreneurs, have a duty to pass on our skills and do what we can to encourage the next generation leading businesses of the future. This is why I’m so pleased that my company is able to give this opportunity to one lucky young entrepreneur who I will bring up for the next year.”


  • Young person as the founder (Between 18-29 years)
  • Open to youth from any part of the world
  • Any kind of business (ideas which may bring about civil unrest will be rejected)
  • Have an innovative business idea with plans for sustainability
  • Ambitious and highly motivated


  • Up to £1, 000 to invest in capital expenses
  • 1 year business mentoring
  • PR and marketing support
  • Access to networking opportunities

Application Process:

Procedure Submit a 250 words max description of your business idea with a proposed budget on how you will use £1,000. You can be creative and submit a 1 minute video explaining your idea. Send your entries to before 12pm noon (GMT) on Tuesday 6th December.

The programme is managed and supported by Adam Bradford Private Consulting Ltd. Terms apply. For further details on the conditions of entry or prize format, please e-mail

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