Submission is now open for the Nikon International Photo Contest 2017

Deadline: January 27, 2017

The Nikon Photo Contest International has been held by Nikon Corporation since 1969 to provide an opportunity for photographers around the world to communicate and to enrich image-making culture for professionals and amateurs alike.
In the last 10 years, with the wide penetration of digital cameras with video capabilities, the environment surrounding image-making has dramatically changed. Adapting to this change, the 34th contest was reconceived, changing its name and its structure, and it continues to evolve to create new standards and provide new opportunities for discovery.

Entry Guidelines:

All categories in photography and video will accept entries from any digital device, including smartphones except for Nikon 100th Anniversary Award. Furthermore, we will broaden the accepted length of video from 6 to 180 seconds.

Entry Categories:

  • Nikon 100th Anniversary Award Theme: “Celebration” Entry format: single photo Limited to Nikon equipment No age restriction
  • Next Generation Award Theme: “Future” Entry format: single photo, photo story (two to five images), video Any equipment can be used *Entrants must be under the age of 30.
  • THE OPEN Award Theme: “Future” Entry format: single photo, photo story (two to five images), video Any equipment can be used, No age restriction

How to Enter:

Enter the contest by providing the required information in the entry form on this website. This form will become available on the first date entries are accepted (Monday, October 17, 2016).

Entry Period:

Monday, October 17, 2016(opens at 1:00 p.m. Japan standard time) – Friday, January 27, 2017 (closes at 1:00 p.m. Japan standard time).


  • The contest is open to all, professional and amateur, regardless of age, gender or nationality.
  • Entrants under 18 years of age require the permission of a parent or guardian. By entering the contest, entrants under 18 years of age indicate that they have obtained the permission of a parent or guardian.
  • The contest is not open to employees of Nikon (the “organizer”) or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Submission Rules:

  • Entry is limited to original works that have not formerly been displayed or exhibited and to which the entrant holds all applicable rights.
  • Works that have won prizes in other contests or that have been submitted to other contests currently underway, including similar works, are not eligible. Works that are entered in other competitions after submitting to this contest will be deemed as those having been submitted to other contests currently underway.
  • Entrants can submit to both photography and video.
  • The limit for submitted works is 10 photos, including those forming photo stories, and 1 video. Entries can be submitted to multiple categories so long as the total number of entries is within this limit.

The mode of applying is online.


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