YSEALI Academic Fellows: Institute on Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

The deadline for application is October 17, 2016.

The U.S. Embassy Yangon is pleased to announce the opportunity to compete for the Spring 2017 YSEALI Academic Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development.

WHAT: The YSEALI Academic Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development will provide Fellows with an overview of entrepreneurial approaches that are employed to address social issues. The fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development will consist of a series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures. Educational travel, site visits, and volunteer opportunities will complement the coursework and classroom activities. Topics may include, but are not limited to, trade; investment; financial literacy; banking; microfinance; organizational development and management; grant writing; innovation; emerging markets and risk analysis; strategic business planning; corporate social responsibility; and, women and minorities in entrepreneurship.

WHEN: March- April, 2017.

WHO:  Full-time undergraduate students from colleges, universities, or other institutions of higher learning; or recent graduates in the past four years. All candidates must have a strong interest in social entrepreneurship and economic development but can come from any field of study. 


 An applicant must:
-          Be a Myanmar citizen
-          Be between 18 and 25 years of age
-          Have a strong interest in ASEAN-related issues
-          Be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English
-          Demonstrate interest, knowledge, or professional experience in environmental issues
-          Have leadership qualities and commitment to community
-          Have approval from your current employer or university to take a leave of absence
-          Be currently living in your home country
-          Be committed to returning to your home country after completion of the program

A complete application includes:
-          Completed, signed application form
-          A personal essay
-          High school completion certificate that shows your marks (scores)
-          University transcripts
-          Two letters of recommendation

For more information, please contact the Cultural Affairs Unit, Public Affairs Section, American Embassy, 110 University Avenue, Kamayut Township, Yangon; Ph: 536509/505113, Ext: 4381; email: RangoonUSECA@state.gov, http://burma.usembassy.gov/yseali.html

Sign up to be a YSEALI Member on our website: https://asean.usmission.gov/yseali/


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