2017 Economic Empowerment Program

The deadline for submitting the online application is December 1, 2016

The U.S. Embassy in Yangon is pleased to announce the opportunity to compete for the spring 2017 Economic Empowerment Program.

WHAT: The program aims to provide professional experience and training that will nurture participants’ talent and prepare them for leadership positions in their businesses, communities and society in general as they return to their countries.

April/June 2017

WHO: Participants selected for the program will be mid-level emerging leaders in small or start-up business ventures, business administration, government, NGOs, business education, incubation hubs, community training programs, or social entrepreneurship in Myanmar.


- English-language fluency and computer-literate
- Aged 25-40
- Relevant experience and expertise in the small business/entrepreneurship/economic empowerment profession
- Clear understanding of economic empowerment issues that affect your community
- Interested in experiencing hands-on the activities in a U.S. business or economic empowerment organization
- Committed to the importance of a sustainable and empowering business sector in a democracy
- Plan to return to your organization following completion of the program
- Little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States
- Commitment to hosting a U.S. participant for 10-20 days in Myanmar (all activities are paid for by the program, not by you or your organization).


A complete application set includes:
1. Completed application form via online
2. A one-page cover letter, including a statement that you will comply with program requirements
3. A two-page resume
4. A copy of university/college degree or other professional qualifications
5. Two letters of recommendation

Applications must be submitted online at the link below: http://bit.do/BBIPFP.

For more information, please contact us at Cultural Affairs Unit, Public Affairs Section, American Embassy, 110 University Avenue, Kamayut Township, Yangon, Ph: 536509/505113 Ext: 4369/4869, email: RangoonUSECA@state.gov.

Follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/usembassy.rangoon.


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