Youth Talent Recruitment at AIESEC in Myanmar

Deadline : October 03, 2016

What is AIESEC ?

AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national / social origin.

Since we were founded, we have engaged and developed over 1,000,000 young people who have been through an AIESEC experience. The impact of our organisation can be seen through our alumni who represent business, NGO and world leaders, including one Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Martti Atisaari of Finland.

Program information

AIESEC is one of the largest international youth organizations with over 70,000 active members across 125 countries and territories. AIESEC develops the leadership potential of youths through experiential learning, volunteer experiences and professional internships as we believe that the society is in need of leaders who are socially responsible, entrepreneurial and global-minded to have better positive impact in the world.

In AIESEC, you will get the holistic experience of leading and managing the teams, directing and executing the plans while taking the team to the right direction of achieving the shared value and goals. The key value we place is in our people and we put them to go through exciting moments of their youthful lives with full of fun, challenges, self-awareness and control, personal value and team work.

Right now, AIESEC in Myanmar is giving you the opportunity to walk the AIESEC journey with fellow passionate Myanmar youths!

How to apply?

Apply online through the e-recruitment system. Shortlisted candidates in application stage will be announced on 5th October where assessment and interview will be taken place in second week of October!

For more information, please visit the Official page.


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