7 C’s of Winning Scholarships

Have you ever wondered if scholarship winners have secrets to winning?
There are certainly ways to increase your odds of winning scholarships.
Check out the following seven “C’s” – ways you can increase your chances of obtaining sought-after scholarships.


1. Content

There’s plenty of content detailing directions of how to successfully apply for scholarships. Such content exists in resources like books, testimonials of scholarship winners and websites, like Fastweb. Utilize this information to create your own road map to gaining scholarship funds.


2. Commitment

Applying for scholarships is a numbers game. The more you apply to, the better your chances of winning. Unfortunately, it’s difficult at times to win a scholarship and not everyone is guaranteed to win one.
But people really do win scholarships, often through our site, and Fastweb’s Wall of Fame proves it.
Most of these winners will tell you that it’s vital that you never give up applying for scholarships – because then you’re guaranteed to never win one.


3. Communicate

Let others around you know that you’re looking for scholarship opportunities, as well as opportunities to gain experiences that scholarship providers will value.
Let your teachers, mentors and guidance counselors know so that they can provide letters of recommendation to include within your scholarship applications.


4. Causes

Take opportunities to volunteer for causes you’re passionate about. It looks great to scholarship providers and, if it’s a cause you’re really passionate about, you’ll also likely stick with it longer.
If you’re a student that cares about issues and are committed to making a difference in the world, scholarship providers are more likely to notice and value your contributions.


5. Create

If opportunities aren’t presenting themselves, create them. If you’re interested in something and your school doesn’t have a club for it already – create one. Taking initiative looks great and, if you’re passionate enough to create the opportunity, you will likely enjoy participating in it.
It also helps show scholarship providers that you’re willing to take on leadership roles when necessary.


6. Compliment

When it comes to scholarship applications, don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! Your achievements are something to be proud of and something providers should absolutely be aware of.
Remember, each achievement gives you an extra edge and will help distinguish you from the competition.


7. Curriculum

Try to balance out your curriculum by taking a mix of more and less challenging courses. Remember, a lot of scholarships do take your grade point average into consideration!
If you balance your courses, you’re much more likely to be able to maintain a higher GPA since your coursework will be manageable.
What would you add to this list?

Credit : Fastweb 7 C's of Winning Scholarship


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