YSEALI Job Readiness Skills Training

Deadline  - 30th Sept, 2016
Place       - Mandalay, Myanmar

This two-day workshop will prepare youth ages 18-25 from Upper Myanmar to join the workforce. The training will be conducted at the Jefferson Center in Mandalay for two days between September 21-25, 2016. Workshop sessions will include presentation and interview skills; resume writing and researching jobs; developing entrepreneurial skills; and networking. Techniques for finding a mentor will also be included.

We invite you to submit an application to if you meet the following criteria:

  1. Resident of Upper Myanmar between the ages of 18 and 25
  2. Member of YSEALI (register for free at https://asean.usmission.gov/yseali/)
  3. Available to participate in the full workshop

If selected, you will receive:

  • Travel allowance; round trip from your current residence to Mandalay, Myanmar
  • Meals and 2 nights of accommodation
  • Ground transportation

Applications are due September 30, 2016.

Get your application form here.
