The Leaky Foundation Baldwin Fellowship
There are two different deadlines depending on whether you have previously received a Baldwin Fellowship:
New Applicants: February 15th
Returning Applicants: March 1st
Please Note: If the deadline falls on a weekend, the application will be due the end of the next
business day.
The Baldwin Fellowships help students from developing countries get advanced education and training in paleoanthropology and primatology.
Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships are intended for scholars and students with citizenship in a developing country who wish to obtain education or training from an institution outside of the student’s home country. This award is for a program of approved, advanced special training or studies leading towards an MA or PhD. It is limited to two years of support. The maximum award is limited to $15,000 per year.
The Baldwin Fellowship program is based on a realistic assessment of needs and priorities. Many developing nations possess extraordinary resources in the field of prehistory. The stewardship and careful use of these assets is a task of international importance. By enabling bright young scholars to obtain graduate education, The Leakey Foundation is helping to equip these individuals to assume a leadership role in the future of paleoanthropology and primatology.
The Origins of the Baldwin Fellowship
The Baldwin Fellowships were the brainchild of former Board President Dr. Edwin Munger and Elisabeth G. O’Connor, the widow of Franklin Mosher Baldwin. Baldwin was a distinguished attorney who took a lively interest in the search for human origins. Hoping to honor her late husband’s dual interests in early humans and education, O’Connor embraced the idea of a program to educate African scholars in prehistory and paleoanthropology. Today the award has been expanded to include studies in primatology and is available to citizens from developing nations.
Ethiopian paleontologist and former Baldwin Fellow, Berhane Asfaw.
If you are thinking of applying for a Baldwin Fellowship ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I enrolled in a MA, MS, PhD or equivalent program related to the study of human origins or evolution?
- Have I been accepted or have a provisional acceptance to a host institution?
- Do I have financial assistance from the host institution?
- Do I intend to return and work in my home country upon completion of training?
If your answer is “Yes” to all of the above questions, you are likely eligible to receive a Baldwin Fellowship.
If you are wondering whether your research topic is eligible, contact the Foundation at least a month ahead of the application deadline. Email grants (at) leakeyfoundation.orgBaldwin Fellowship Eligibility
Only scholars with citizenship in a developing country are eligible.
The applicant must have a Home Sponsor who is a member of the institution where the applicant is affiliated in the home country, as well as a Host Sponsor who is a member of the institution which the candidate plans to pursue training. Should an award be made, the Host Sponsor must be willing to assume responsibility for overseeing the candidate’s training. Since the Baldwin Fellowship is intended to be a partnership between the candidate and both the Home and Host Institutions, it is expected that candidates will be offered support by these institutions in the form of financial assistance and, upon completion of training, employment in the home country.
Amount and Duration of Awards
Awards are limited to two years. The maximum award is limited to $15,000 per year.Budgetary Guidelines
Baldwin Fellowships may be used to cover tuition, travel, living expenses, student fees, insurance, books, and other relevant categories of expenditure. Aid is not provided for family expenses or dependent support, salary and/or fringe benefits of the applicant, nor institutional overhead.Second Year Baldwin Fellowship Renewals
Please click here for more information on second year Baldwin Fellowship renewals.Application
The original completed formal application should reach the Foundation office by February 15th in order to be considered for funding in the following academic year, which begins in the Fall. A copy of the application must be sent to the Host Sponsor for his/her signature. Please instruct the Host Sponsor to forward this second signed copy to our office. Formal letters of support from both the Home and Host Sponsors must also reach the office by this deadline.Letters from Sponsors
Applicants must request letters from both the Home Sponsor and the Host Sponsor to be sent directly to the Foundation.- The Home Sponsor must be the department head or an appropriate
individual from the institution with which the candidate is affiliated
in the home country and in which the candidate intends to pursue a
career. A letter of recommendation must be mailed directly to the
Foundation by the Home Sponsor, separately from the application form.
The letter should state:
- The candidate’s qualifications
- The reasons the candidate needs training abroad
- The kinds of support (monetary or other) that the Home Institution and/or the Home Government will provide (Past Home Institution support has included travel and stipend supplements.)
- The candidate’s employment and research prospects upon return to the home country.
- The Host Sponsor must be a faculty member of the department or
program in which the candidate plans to pursue training. The Host
Sponsor must be willing to supervise the candidate’s training and
fulfillment of the terms of the Baldwin Fellowship, if awarded. A letter
of recommendation must be mailed directly to the Foundation by the Host
Sponsor, separately from the application form. This letter should
- The candidate’s prospects for success in the proposed program of study/training
- The length of time that is likely to be required for completion of this program;
- The facilities and support to be made available to the candidate while at the Host Institution
- Any financial assistance that the Host Institution will offer the candidate. (Past Host Institutions have provided Baldwin Fellowship support, waived tuition, travel, or subsidized living accommodations.)
The Foundation office will notify candidates by May 15th about the status of their applications.
Conditions of Awards
The following reporting requirements are conditions of the Baldwin Fellowship Agreement:
Progress Reports
- Fellow Progress Reports: Progress Reports are required for multi-year Baldwin Fellowships and are to be submitted as part of the Renewal Application. Progress Reports will determine the Baldwin Fellow’s eligibility, include an accounting of funds expended to date (which will be approved and signed by the Host Sponsor and the Baldwin Fellow), and include course work and grades to date. Formal transcripts must be sent to the Foundation at the end of each academic year. This progress report will be used to determine the Baldwin Fellow’s eligibility for continued support and is DUE MARCH 1ST.
- Host Sponsor Progress Reports: The Host Sponsor must provide the Foundation and the Home Institution/Sponsor with a progress report at the end of each year of the Baldwin Fellow’s training period. The report should address the Baldwin Fellow’s academic performance, progress in language ability (when applicable), and any other matters pertinent to the Baldwin Fellow’s ability to complete the course of training undertaken, as well as a realistic estimate of the time required to complete the training. This progress report will be used to determine the Baldwin Fellow’s eligibility for continued support and is DUE MARCH 1ST.
Final Reports
The final reports, transcript, and financial statements must be SUBMITTED WITHIN THREE MONTHS after the end of the study/training period as stated by the Baldwin Fellow on his/her application form.
- Baldwin Fellow: Upon conclusion of the final year of the Baldwin Fellowship, the Baldwin Fellow must summarize his/her accomplishments in a Final Report (2-3 pages).
- Host Sponsor: At the end of the training period, the Host Sponsor must provide the Foundation with a final report on the Baldwin Fellow’s accomplishments. If the Baldwin Fellow requires additional training either to: 1) reach the initial goals of this Baldwin Fellowship award or 2) to obtain more advanced training before returning to his/her home country, elaborate on this plan including sources of support and estimated time for completion.
- Transcript: A final transcript must be requested from the Host Institution by the Baldwin Fellow and a copy submitted to the Foundation.
- Financial: The Fellow and Host Sponsor must make sure that the Host Institution submits an official signed accounting for the US dollar amount expended each year. This accounting is to be supplemented by a more detailed statement of expenditures by the Baldwin Fellow which is signed by both the Baldwin Fellow and the Host Sponsor.
- Upon the Completion of the Training: The Baldwin Fellow must provide a status report on further educational plans and/or a position taken in the Home Country. At the time of return to his/her Home Country, the Baldwin Fellow must provide the Foundation with a current address.
How to contact Us
Paddy Moore, Grant OfficerH. Gregory, Grant Associate
The Leakey Foundation
1003B O’Reilly Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129
Telephone: (415) 561-4646
FAX: (415) 561-4647
For Further Information,
Visit The Leaky Foundation Baldwin Fellowship
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